Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My vote is in!

We voted last night at the mall. It was perfect we switched off watching the girls at the play place. When Jason went there were 100 people in line when I went there was 10.

Caroline has been busy! She emptied her entire dresser and got out almost all the stuffed animals in less than 10 minutes. Heather says with Caroline I am getting a glimps of what it is like to have a boy?!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

More Care Bears

Thank you Melcher girls for the Care bears! She loves them!

Monday, October 13, 2008

A girl and her doll

This is Caroline's baby. It was also my baby a gift I received from my grandma atleast 25 years ago it was also well loved by my sister, Jackie. Caroline loves this baby and only wants this baby. She has to have a blanket with the doll and loves to kiss the dolls face and bare bottom?!?

PARTY at Grandmas

My Dad went hunting this past week so my mom decided to through a "just because" party for the grand kids. 6 between the ages of 1-5. She planned it on a Friday night and told the moms and dads to go have fun. We went to TGIFridays. The kids had a blast. M and C wore party dresses and brought the host gifts a picture and flowers. The party was complete with a kid friendly supper, clown cake, games, prizes, balloons and streamers. It was so sweet! She is planning on doing this every year. What great memories with their grandma.

Time with Jason's brother and his family

We enjoyed having Ramsey, Deb, and 10 month old Jacob here over the weekend. The brothers and their Dad hunted antelope in Wyoming. They had a successful hunt came home with 8. So that means the freezer is fuller and jerky is making.
The girls and Jacob played. Loved going to the zoo, watching movies, pushing the 3 kids on swings, hanging out at my sister, Heathers and playgroup.
Jacob is a wonderful little boy. Madison and Caroline enjoyed him. Caroline was always right there giving him his pacifier, blanket, or toy.