Friday, December 18, 2009

My 3 Girls

Oh these girls do my heart good. People tell me, "My your hands are full." and I love to smile and say, "So is my heart!"

Madison is getting so big and mature she is very kind often giving up things she loves to Caroline. She is a big help, not because I am always making her help she just wants to. Her favorite thing to play right now is pretending to be a kitty. She makes a cozy bed and will curl up in it for the longest time and purr.

Caroline is a lover. Her love tank is filled with lots of touch. Almost everyday I cuddle her at nap time. We lay down in my bed and she wants my arms around her and noses almost touching. She will fall asleep so fast. She keeps us laughing. Out of the blue she will say things like, "Hello Sam I am." to Madison. She doesn't play pretend often, but she plays along with Madison giving her kitty treats. If you ask Caroline if she is a kitty she quickly responds, "No I'm Caroline Pearl Callaway."

Genna is so good. My girlfriend was over yesterday and just awed over Genna being such a good baby. Her happiest times are the evening after the big girls go to bed and she plays with mom and dad. When she gets excited she kicks her left leg so fast.

These girls are fabulous on their own, but really I love them all together. 3 peas in a pod. Each of them help make our family complete!

Kitchen Counter

This is often where the girls imcluding Genna are. Genna sits in her bouncy seat on the other side. I spend so much time in the Kitchen. The girls "help" a lot.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fun in the mailbox!

Madison has already received one of her ornaments from the ornament exchange. It's from Sara over at Madison danced around with it saying, "I got a letter M." She hung it in the play kitchen- or I should say play Sub Shop. Thanks to their Uncle John they play South Jersey Subs.

Ornament Exchange

The girls partiscipated in an ornament exchange. I really wanted to have them do most of the work. So we painted dough ornaments. They did alot of the work. Thanks to for organizing this!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Genna almost 6 months old

This little girl lights up our lives like we have never known. She fits so well with our family. She is so happy, so expressive, and so lovable! Her sisters love and run to see her. Madison says she is her best friend. She is rolling over. She has started teething and I am trilled to be using essential oils for pain relief!! We will she if they work when a tooth actually pokes through, but for now she seems so much more comfortable after putting oils on her gums. She has started eating solids - cereals, avocados, and sweet potatoes.

Fun in Colorado Springs

Rock climbing, the zoo, and Focus on the Family.

Finally a post

In October I got a new camera and we just now downloaded all the pictures I have taken since then. So here comes a lot of posts!

Our neighbor threw a fun Halloween party complete with a jumpy house, games, and lots of candy. Then for Halloween we went to Colorado Springs and enjoyed a party at Heathers. We went tick-o-treating to their neighthors while on a hay ride. It was a blast! I forgot my camera. So I posted a picture of another hay ride we went on.

Madison was the cutest princess and Caroline a bunny. I painted her face the best bunny face I could do and she looked in the mirror and said, "Oh I'm a cat." So I guess she was half bunny half cat. Genna was a duck.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


12.5 lbs
23 in. long

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Genna at 3 months

This little girls is a delight! She is a very happy baby. Easy to make laugh and coo. Jason always gets a huge smile when he whistles and says, "Ya Baby." In his Austin Powers voice. Madison and Caroline adore her and have fun playing with her.

Mom has it easy when Dad's around

Dad has all the kids and I'm empty handed.


Colorado Springs

Our first trip back to Colorado Springs! The cousins were to cute! So excited to see one another! We had fun staying the weekend with Nana while Jason and Papa hunted. Then we spent the week at my parents. The girls enjoyed themselves, but were happy to come back to Grand Junction.

Jason and his Dad went to Gunnison to elk hunt, but came to the Springs after not seeing any animals. They stayed in the Springs, but hunted in Woodland Park. Jason harvested a huge cow elk. The meat is so good!

Friday, September 4, 2009

New Kitchen!

Dear Dave, Patty, and Ben, Thank you for the wonderful kitchen. The girls LOVE it. I am also loving all the food they are making me I have hot dogs and coffee at least 6 times a day! Funny, I rarely have either of those!

Moved West

Well we have had a very exciting last 3 weeks. We found out Jason will be working in Grand Junction for another 6 months to a year so with decided to move the family west!! We are here now. Living in a smaller newer home located in a neighborhood with lots of kids and within walking distance of an amazing park. Jason loves coming home to his family every night and we love seeing him. After a week of making plans to move my mom said to Caroline, "You know when you move to Grand Junction I won't get to see you everyday." After thinking for a minute Caroline responded, "Yes, but I will get to see my daddy everyday." We knew once again we were making to right choice!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Top- Genna

I think she looks a lot like Madison!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Welcome Genevieve Rae

Genna arrived Tue. June 17 at 2:43am all 4lbs 9oz of her! She is 18 3/4 in. long.

It was an awesome labor and delivery! I called Jason in Grand Junction at 9:30pm. I labored at home in the bath while I waited for him. He arrived at 2:10am. Got to the main entrance of Memorial North Hospital only to find out we need to enter the emergency room entrance. So I said lets walk thinking I could speed up labor. Well that is exactly what happened with my contractions coming at less than a minute apart we hiked- yes hiked around the building down 3 flights of stairs through a field. Arrived at the ER entrance they sent us upstairs we were signed in at 2:30 went to triage where my water broke the nurse covered me up and wheeled me to a room gathering other nurses and a dr along the way. She was born at 2:43 after one push. The nurses said now that how you have a baby!!! I'm just thankful Jason was there! She is perfect! I feel great and am so thankful for the privilege of having brought this little one into the world!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Catching the girls in the act...

I often catch the girls doing things they are not suppose to and I catch them doing things that thrill my heart. Like...

Madison praying with her babies before they eat their supper. After Madison prayed she enjoyed a pretend ice cream cone while her baby had green beans. I will take the credit for teaching her to pray before a meal, but not for what she served :).

Caroline and I were taking a nap together I had already closed my eyes and I heard her say, "Thank you Father for Nana, Papa, Uncle James......"

Oh how I love these girls!!!

Quiet time for Madison

Madison does not always take a nap, but if she needs to she will happily put herself to sleep during quite time. This is how I found her and her kitty the other day.

Grand Junction

Jason has been working in Grand Junction for almost 3 months now. Thankfully he always comes home for a 3 day weekend or we go there for the week. He stays in a nice suite that makes for a fun little apartment for me and the girls. Here are some pictures of our last visit.

A mall carnival- Caroline is a hoot on the rides shows not excitement whatsoever!

Went to a candy making factory. Madison could of watched for hours.

Daily we would enjoy 3 hour naps and the girls always were happy to go to sleep together in the queen size pull out sofa.

Swimming, story time at the library, lots of trip to the park, and walking around down town!

Our little mini vacations for the summer!

Okay, thought I better post this before I am posting about the arrival of our little one. Tomorrow it will be 3 weeks until the "guess date" All is going well I am super excited about the oppurinity of getting to go through labor and delievery again. Showing signs of getting close baby has dropped and I lost part of my mucus plug. It is fine with me to go 3 more weeks, but we will see what this baby has in mind!

The girls are so cute antispating the arrival. Everyday Caroline says, "Baby coming today, no soon." Knowing soon would be my responce.

Madison says things like, "Does your shirt keep the baby warm?" "I will give the baby bear hugs now, because I know I need to be gentle when the baby comes out."

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Madison at age 4

Madison 1 hour old.

I know I'm a little late at posting a birthday post for my little girl, but better late than never.

When she woke up on her birthday I asked her what she wanted to do she said, "Have a Care Bear birthday cake, and go to the gym." Wow we could of got away easy with birthday plans! Instead we took all of her cousins to Lil' Biggs including cousin Jacob from Ohio! The kids had a blast. That afternoon she got to go to Build a Bear and make "Fluffy." He is almost as loved as her Care Bears. Enjoyed super with the Callaways in the evening. She did get a Care Bear cake a couple of evenings later when we celebrated with our fellowship.

She is such a sweet and caring little girl. She expresses her love and thankfulness easy. She loves to pray and often prays out loud for different things like the beautiful snow that we get to play in, for Proud Heart to come home when he is wondering around, and when she hears sirens she prays for the fire fighter and the people they are helping. I love her more everyday! She is my little burst of sunshine.

I asked her these questions on her birthday:

favorite food: corn
favorite color: pink
favorite person in the Bible: she said God and I explained to her God is spirit and than she changed her answer to Mary.
favorite direction: east (she is fascinated with directions right now)
favorite vehicle: Daddy's truck
favorite letter: M
favorite toy: CARE BEARS
favorite animal: Proud Heart Kitty
best friend: Cloe and Olivia

Oh so much personality!


Had my official 5 month ultrasound today! Everything is measuring perfect still right of schedule for a due date of June 30! One thing not measuring- a boy part, We are expecting another girl. The thought of another baby is becoming more and more real. We are excited.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Catching Up

Finally I am taking the time to write about all the Callaway Happenings. A lot has happened since I last posted. The holidays were GREAT! For Christmas the Patch family joined the Callaways in Colorado. Deb's parents Anthony and Carol Patch and her sister, Sarabeth joined stayed at Ed and Cindys home. (picture posted above) It was a sweet time to get to know the Patches better. They are a very positive, outgoing, and fun family. Madison took Carol as another Grandma and enjoyed playing, reading, and ice skating with her.

The Kerr side of our family had a blast with all the kids. My Dad made the girls a doll house and the boys toy boxes. M and C love the doll house and I love it because they will enjoy it for a long time when the outgrow playing with dolls they can use it as a bookshelf!

My recycled gifts for the girls were a big hit. I purchases a box of gently used Care bears for Madison and she was thrilled! Caroline is still having a ball with the doll station I got at a yard sale. The cleaned up picnic table turned into an art table still gets used daily and the easel usually displays a bible verse on the chalk board and Madison paints on the other side every opportunity she gets. I got both the table and easel for free and spent very little to clean them up. It was very exciting to reuse items and give as gifts to the girls.

Well thats Christmas, plenty for now soon I will write about birthdays and New Years!