Friday, February 22, 2008

"Taker Carerer"

I often get called the "taker carerer" around our house, but today Madison took care of everyone. She had such a giving nature. She is the only completely healthy one around here. Jason went to the dr. this morning to find out he has something similar to the croup. Caroline also went to the dr. and she was put on antibiotics for strep throat. I have a little soar throat. Madison was the best today. I was gone with C. for over 2 hours, Jason rested and she kept herself entertained. She brought Caroline carebears throughout the day to make her happy. My mom just came to get her for some play time since no one around here has the energy to play. My mom also brought us homemade chicken noodle soup. Thanks mom, you're a great taker carerer!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pinching Stars

Today after supper, Madison and I (daddy) went outside to look at the moon and stars. For a while now, she has really gotten excited to see the moon and stars. It is something special I can do with her that yields big hugs and kisses! Sometimes we have to walk around the house until we find the moon but boy does she love it. We reach up with our hands, close one eye, and pinch the moon between our fingers. We do this to the stars too and I tell her that God made the moon, the stars, and our planet just for us. Something simple, but so wonderful to remember!

Tooth #9

Tooth #9 just came in!

"Mom, are you tired?"

“Mom, are you tired?” was Madison’s response to me getting on her a little loudly- ok yelling. I really try hard to discipline her calmly especially when i'm tired. This lesson really set in awhile back when M and C were playing in the living room. C started crying and I went in asking, “What happened?” M responded, “ I KICK her.” “M we do not kick go sit in timeout.” I consoled C. Then went to see M. Again “M. we never kick sister.” She lovingly put both little hands on my cheeks, “Mommy, I not KICK her I KISS her. She was crying and I was loving her.” “I'm so sorry I misunderstood you, Madison.” I was so thankful I had not yelled and got mad at her, but rather calmly disciplined her.

Ok, dog update. No dog. I have admit I'm not sad. We went to Firestone, CO to meet Molly, a beautiful Chesapeake Bay Retriever, 10 months old, and untrained! The last part is why we passed. She was just a little too much right now, in size and behavior. I guess we are still on the search.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself

This morning I taught fellowship and am very excited about what I learned while putting the teaching together. An aspect of my teaching was love thy neighbor as thyself.

....Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.... and the second is like namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself..... (Mk 12:30,31).

This is how God says we should love our neighbor; Like ourselves. God could have chosen anything- love you neighbor like Jesus Christ, or like your children, but God knows how much we love ourselves and encourages us to love our neighbor like ourselves.

This reminded me of a passage from a book by Kay Warren a friend had posted on her blog.

The Kingdom of Me
"Not only do I seek complete control of everything around me, but my greatest and deepest love is reserved for ME. I am desperately in love with MYSELF. If I am completely honest, I have to admit that there are many times when I want the world to revolve around ME - MY comfort, MY pleasure, MY convenience. I desire that others see and interpret everything through MY eyes, make ME happy, meet MY needs, and refrain from offending ME, hurting ME, wounding ME, upsetting ME, or irritating ME. I want to be understood, appreciated, acknowledged, elevated, praised, valued, attended to, catered to, respected, admired, listened to, loved, adored and cherished."

Pretty eye opening. A place I find myself and a place I really do not want to be. On a quest to not be in this place, but rather a place of seeking God first and not myself I changed the words to this phrase to how God would have us love our neighbors.

The Kingdom of Others
I do not seek complete control of everything around me, my greatest and deepest love is reserved for God and my neighbors. I am desperately in love with God and my neighbors Being completely honest, I have to admit that there are many times when what I want to do is for others instead of myself. - Others comfort, Others pleasure, Others convenience. I want to see how Others interpret things, I want to make Others happy, meet Others needs, and refrain from offending Others, hurting Others, wounding Others, upsetting Others, or irritating Other people. I want to understood, appreciate, acknowledge, elevate, praise, value, attend to, cater to, respect, admire, listen to, love, adore and cherish not just God, but my family and fellow believers." - Kim's version

Wow, how our lives would be different if we could always love our neighbors as ourselves! I'm so thankful to God for showing how to live and for forgiving us when we fall short and realize it.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Table for Two

We love having daddy home at all different times of the day. This was a friday morning big breakfast. He is so good with his girls after breakfast Madison invited him to a sleep over in her bed. They played and played.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

"I Love You Day"

Happy Heart's Day, Happy I Love You Day, or Happy Valentine's Day whatever you choose.

I love the opportunity for Miss Mat to give and give is exactly what she did yesterday and today. Even if she kept saying, "I made birthday cards to give to all of my friends." Yesterday, we had a fun party with playgroup. We made bags to put the Valentines in, read a book, played HEART (BINGO), ate yummy treats, and enjoyed the 60 degree weather outside. It was fun for kids and moms. Today we delivered cookie bouquets and cookies to grandparents and uncle James.

I did something new for Jason and sent him a card from so he received it in the mail. He went above and beyond for me- a day at the spa and Godiva choc. We gave the girls small gifts. M a Dora play dough set and C. a fun giraffe that has a neck like those fun door stoppers she loves to play with. We spent more time telling them we love them and why -something we can't do enough of. Jason should be receiving the ultimate gift this weekend a dog he has been wanting. Yes the family who said we are not dog people are trying it again! I'll keep you posted on how it goes.
So thankful for our loving family

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tomorrow Can Wait

Cleaning and Scrubbing

can wait 'til tomorrow

For babies grow up

we learn to our sorrow.

So quite down cobwebs

Dust go to sleep.

I'm rocking my baby

'cause babies don't keep.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why I call him amazing

Jason's idea, "Let's start doing major cleaning together!" He suggested this awhile back, and I said thats ok honey I can handle it. Well last weekend b/f a Superbowl, oops I mean Big Game Party we hosted we cleaned together. He really enjoyed himself and once again said let's do this every week. We tried it again this weekend and it was fun! We turned up the music, the girls helped or played, and we knocked it out in no time. I will still do plenty of touch ups during the week, but I know doing this is going to allow more time with the girls or maybe even more time to relax! Thank you Jason!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ice Fishing and Scrulpture Seeing

7am this morning Jason, Uncle James, and Papa Callaway headed out for ice fishing. 9am Nana Callaway, the girls, and I left to join them. Madison has been wanting to go fishing since she and her daddy watched a fishing show acouple of weeks ago. Her words, "Daddy lets go fishing in a boat, because you are a big guy and I'm a little girl." M. and I were on the lake for about 15min. in a tent with warm clothes on. Nana and Caroline played in the car. We are so happy in that time M. did catch a fish. We left the lake and went to Cripple Creek to check out the ice scrulptures. It was a very sweet day! Thank you Nana for driving us.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Here We Go!

It will be a journey! This is something I thought I would never do, but I have been inspired by a dear friend. As days pass I realize I want to do more to remember my days with my two little girls. They change daily and I need to have an organized place to record it. This will also act as an update to friends and family who do not get to see our family day in and day out. My husband has agreed to contribute to this and maybe he can help with editing. Ok I will admit right now spelling, grammar, and just putting my thougts down is far from a long suit for me. So sorry if it drives you nuts to have to read through typos. A goal for me is to get better and the best way to get better is to actually do it! So let's go -like I said it will be a journey!