Genna arrived Tue. June 17 at 2:43am all 4lbs 9oz of her! She is 18 3/4 in. long.
It was an awesome labor and delivery! I called Jason in Grand Junction at 9:30pm. I labored at home in the bath while I waited for him. He arrived at 2:10am. Got to the main entrance of Memorial North Hospital only to find out we need to enter the emergency room entrance. So I said lets walk thinking I could speed up labor. Well that is exactly what happened with my contractions coming at less than a minute apart we hiked- yes hiked around the building down 3 flights of stairs through a field. Arrived at the ER entrance they sent us upstairs we were signed in at 2:30 went to triage where my water broke the nurse covered me up and wheeled me to a room gathering other nurses and a dr along the way. She was born at 2:43 after one push. The nurses said now that how you have a baby!!! I'm just thankful Jason was there! She is perfect! I feel great and am so thankful for the privilege of having brought this little one into the world!!!!