Saturday, March 1, 2008

The hardest Birthday yet.

Tomorrow Caroline turns 1. This has been the hardest birthday I've ever had. I asked Jason if we could not celebrate and keep telling people she is 11 months. Turning 1 means she is growing up and I really like her little! I have accepted it and planned a small party with our family. I made a slide show with all her pictures (over 500) to play while the party is going on. That was a fun activity to see how much she has grown and how beautiful she is. Caroline, I trust you feel the same way about your first year as I do. It has been a joy for me. I love you with all my heart! You're growing into a little person with so much personality and love for those around you. You have eyes for your daddy. I hope he always lights up your life like he does now. Your sister makes you laugh you smile with ease. I can't get enough of you. I probably hold and spoil you to much, but I can't help myself you are mine! Happy 1st Birthday my baby girl! We all love you.

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