Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Madison has been very patriotic lately. When driving with grandma they saw a red, white, and blue advertisement and Madison explained, "Look it's America!" After dressing her in a t-shirt with a flag on it she looked in the mirror and said, "I look beautiful. I love my flag" While patting her chest. At Ross she was very concerned the pole on the shopping cart did not have a flag on it.

No pictures to show all the fun, but it was a great 4th. The Kerrs, Callaways, and friends enjoyed a fun time at the Leaches. We ate yummy food, the kids played hard, rode horses (thank you Uncle Daniel), the guys shot their guns for fun, and we enjoyed an amazing firework show put on my Uncle John. Thankful our county sets aside a day to be thankful for the freedoms we enjoy.

1 comment:

Liz McCoy said...

so exciting to see little ones grasps large concepts like patriotism and believing, and renewing of the mind, etc.

Sounds like a wonderful time of fun and fellowship!! hUGS!!!!