Sunday, June 1, 2008


We enjoyed a family hike today. It was a short one, but one that was enjoyed my all. We talked with Madison about everything God created. When I asked her to tell me all the things she sees that God created she answered, "tree, bird, and water." We are so thankful to know God's Word and to be able to teach her. Here are some pictures. If you notice she has her little play computer in her left hand while smelling the flowers. She is a city girl who can not go out without it. A couple of weeks ago we went on a picnic in Woodland Park. We went on a walk to a creek I explained to her what a creek was and she asked if I brought money to throw into it. Usually the body of water she sees is the water fountain at the mall. Jason is determined to change her from a city girl.

1 comment:

Liz McCoy said...

beautiful family photo!! and love the comment about throwing $$ into the river LOL!! too sweet!!!