Friday, June 6, 2008

Preschool- To go or not to go???

That has been the question around here for about a month. This is how it breaks down..

Jason started getting concerned about Madison's speech. She doesn't pronounce her "S", "F", and "D" well and when speaking in complete sentences all her words run together. So I called our school district for any suggestions. The lady I spoke with said these are pretty normal concerns for a 3.5 year old, but if we wanted she could see a speech therapist. So we did and thankfully we found out she is just fine. She scored in the 86th percentile for comprehension and 79 for speech. We have decided to have her go to preschool the therapist thinks she will excel in her pronunciation being in a class room setting and wanting to keep up with the other kids. She starts Aug. 24 and will go 4 days a week 2.75 hours. This will be a huge adjustment for me and her. I hope we both can handle it.


Liz McCoy said...

how exciting!!!! She'll probably love it!!! Mommys are the ones who take it the hardest :)

RamseyAndDeb said...

You both will do great. "From strength to strength" you will go. We will be believing for Mommy and daughter to excell!