Monday, July 7, 2008

A Good Day

The girls slept in until 8:30 this morning. I think they were still recuperating from the long weekend. We cuddled ate pink pancakes got dressed and walked to Grandma's house. She always takes the girls Monday mornings. It is a blessing for everyone. I walked back home at a much faster pace. I cleaned, cooked, worked on finances, talked on the phone, ate another breakfast. Walked backed to Grandma's 2 hours later. Enjoyed a yummy lunch. Brought the girls home. Put Caroline to bed. Ms Mat and I made a cheesecake and banana bread. Played with water guns, bubbles, cleaned out the van, colored, played with peanut butter play dough. Then Caroline woke up and we spent a couple of hours outside enjoying the cool Colorado weather. Cooked supper, greeted Daddy, ate supper, cleaned up and wrested with the girls. Everyone went on a walk to the park. Came home did our bed time routine and now I'm ready for my bedtime routine. It was a good day.


Tisha said...

That's a full day! Sounds wonderful.

Jen said...

Man that was a busy day! I cannot believe you got all of that done in only 2 hrs after dropping the girls off with your mom. I wish I had your energy. :-)